- Overhand throwing athletes place unique and heavy demands on their shoulders during their athletic season. These demands can have different implications for the pediatric patient who can suffer from unique injuries that require specialized treatment. Some athletic trainers who do not work with many throwing athletes may not be as familiar with the sport specific demands on the shoulder and upper extremity. For the athletic trainer, knowing how to recognize and manage these athletes in and out of season could be the difference between a successful season and one full of preventable injury. This program will compare common injuries in the overhand throwing athlete, how to properly management theses injuries, and look at special considerations with the pediatric aged patients. We will also look at screening methods you can apply to identify athletes who are at a higher risk for these injuries.
- By participating in this program athletic trainers will begin to identify deficits in the overhead athlete’s functional level of conditioning and be able to identify age specific symptoms that may indicate an athlete is at a higher risk of injury. Addressing these deficits both on the field and in the clinic can decrease the athlete’s overall risk of injury and help to return them safely to activity.
MaineGeneral Sports Medicine & Colby College Sports Medicine offer Overhead Athlete and Pediatric Overuse
CAT A Presentation
- James Dunlap, MD, MaineGeneral Sports Medicine
- James Poulin, MD, Maine-Dartmouth Family Residency
At the conclusion of this program, the participant will be able to:
• Explain the basics in throwing biomechanics.
• Evaluate how throwing mechanics can break down, causing injury.
• Explain the concepts of GIRD and humeral retroversion.
• Summarize the diagnosis and management of some of the most common pediatric overuse injuries.
According to the education levels described by the PDC, the following continuing education course is considered to be Advanced.
Credits Awarded
CEUs awarded: 1 CAT A CEUs
MaineGeneral Medical Center (BOC AP#: P2258) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of (1) CAT A CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.