- The rate of ACL tears continues to increase especially in younger athletes beginning at age 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Athletic trainers working with younger athletes may not be up to date with current treatment options as well as the long term risks and benefits of each. This program will review the factors that contribute to pediatric ACL injuries and discuss the risks and benefits of the various treatment option. We will also revisit injury prevention program to discuss recommendations and implementation.
-Athletic trainers who participate in this program will be able to identify athletes who may be at a higher risk of suffering an ACL injury and implement an appropriate injury prevention program. Participants will also be better equipped to discuss treatment options that may be utilized by their physician as well as the long term implications of various treatment options.
MaineGeneral Sports Medicine & Colby College Sports Medicine offer The Pediatric ACL
CAT A Presentation
- Rich Garini, ATC MaineGeneral Sports Medicine
At the conclusion of this program, the participant will be able to:
- Identify factors that can put a young athlete at a higher risk for suffering an ACL injury.
- Explain the risks and benefits of surgical vs conservative management of pediatric ACL injuries.
- Summarize the difference in surgical techniques for ACL reconstruction of patients with open growth plates.
- Describe the long term outlook after suffering an ACL injury at an early age.
- Recognize the need for and implementation of ACL injury prevention program.
According to the education levels described by the PDC, the following continuing education course is considered to be Advanced.
Credits Awarded
CEUs awarded: 1.5 CAT A CEUs
MaineGeneral Medical Center (BOC AP#: P2258) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of (1.5) CAT A CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.